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REXA Actuator > REXA actuator application

REXA actuator application

  • REXA执行器应用.jpg
The system has been successfully applied on over 200 units.
The capacity of applied units includes: 1MW, 6MW, 9MW, 12MW, 25MW, 50MW, 75MW, 100MW, 145MW, 200MW, 320MW, 362MW;
The types of units include: condensing type, back pressure type, adjustable extraction type, extraction back type, rear mounted type, reheating type, supercritical unit, driving industrial steam turbines such as feedwater pumps and compressors, and retrofitting of fire-resistant oil DEH and MEH systems.
Basically, it covers various types of units and regulating systems produced by manufacturers such as Harbin Automobile, Dongqi, SAIC, Beizhong, Wuhan Automobile, Nanqi, Qingqi, Hangzhou Automobile, as well as GEC, Leningrad, Ural, Ukraine, etc.


Application Example - Running a Unit on Site

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