Liaoning Power Control Technology Co., Ltd. has senior product designers, on-site support and service personnel in the field of thermal power testing. The company's engineers have been engaged in testing and measurement work in the thermal power field for a long time, with more than 10 years of work experience in related fields.
The established Wind Power Engineering Technology Center hires experts from multiple main power plants in the industry for over 20 years as its core team. With the help of industry experience accumulated in thermal power testing, it seamlessly interfaces with industry expert teams and owner units to address the issues encountered in wind power testing. Under the leadership of multi model wind turbine research and development experts, it can carry out technical experiments, testing, testing, updates, maintenance, and other work based on the core generation technology, Provide various services such as training, spare parts, and technical renovation.
It forms a joint wind power engineering technology center with wind power industry complete machine manufacturers, wind power related owner units, Shenyang University of Technology, Northeast University, Shenyang Institute of Engineering and other universities, as well as industry experts, to provide professional services based on core technologies for owners.